"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"
-Proverbs 13:20

This statement is saying that you future also depends on the people you hang around with. You must have good influences so your future is good. People who do good and have bright futures are the type of people you would want to be around with. Who you hang out with will determine how you future will look like. For example: if you hang around a group of good people who dont ditch school, get good grades, don't do drugs most likely you will achieve more in life because they will influence you to do the same. On the other hand, if you hang around people who smoke, ditch,steal, or aren't trying to be Successful in life, the same will happen to you because you hang around them so much you start catching they hobbies and bad decisions. Choose the right and hang out with people that will be good for you and avoid people who will destroy you. An example would be if a girl starts hanging out with bad influences and shes suddenly starts acting like them. She starts to smoke, she drinks, and ditches class. The cops catch her one day and she is arrested. After that she starts hanging out with good people and she becomes a better smarter person. Her grades go up and she graduates. Do what is right not what is easy.
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