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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day

Veterans Day!
What is veterans day : veterans day is a holiday on the anniversary  of the end of the World War I to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.
When is it: November 11
What is the purpose of veterans day: To honor all the US veterans and the victims of the wars.
Why is it important to show honor to veterans on veterans day: it is important because a lot of them died to save our country.
List several ways to show honor and respect to veterans on veterans day:
Give veterans the opportunity to tell their stories.
Respect their service, feelings and any suggestions they might offer
Thank them for their service to our country
When approaching veterans for their participation, consider bringing another veteran with you.
Show appreciation for the families of veterans
Woman veterans are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs. It is higher than any other segment of entrepreneurship economy.


Reflection: I think veterans are so brave because they do everything possible to keep us safe. I honor them all because some even passed away in the wars. I think that it takes a lot of effort and time to actually fight against other people knowing you could be killed. I think that to do something that big makes them heroes because they did this for our country and I appreciate that a lot.

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