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Friday, January 29, 2016

Dean Smith

"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy, I was trying to do what was right."
-Dean Smith
Reflection: This statement reminds me of something my mom always tells my brothers, to do it with kindness and not for something in return. I think that since Dean Smith did all he did for the team and for it's own good. He didn't want something back in return. He just wanted the best for his team. When you do things out of kindness you feel better about yourself. People might reward you but you didn't do it for the prize. You did it because it came from your heart.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lead your Life

"It's not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you."
-Randy Pausch
Reflection: I love this quote because it tells you to do the right thing. It's motivation because you get to know that if you work hand on living right you get success in return. When you start choosing the right, your karma takes care of itself meaning , you good luck , future and destiny will be positive. When he says "The dreams will come to you, I think he means that after you lead your life the right way, you won't have to work as tough to reach your dreams, because you've shown that you're capable of following your dreams already.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Educating the Body

Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating the BODY , the MIND, and above all the CHARACTER, giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation."
-  Theodore Roosevelt

-Reflection: I think that this related to the statement Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said because we have to keep our body mind and spirit balanced. Our bodies consist of these three to keep us balanced mentally physically and spiritually. I think that young people need to have these all balanced the most because we choose what paths we take and it affects how we live our lives in the future.The importance of this is that we choose the destiny of our nation and that means it wont only affect us it will affect the nation as well. By having all these in good shape, we are able to make right choices and  good effects towards our nation.

Medical Volunteer Opportunities

Medical Volunteer Opportunities:
1. "No one should Die Alone"
The Silverado hospice is looking for volunteers to help terminal ill patients be happy in their last stages in life. You could do many things like read a book, listen to soothing music, share stories or just sit quietly. You have to be at least 18 years old. They work with your schedule. To apply for this you need to call the number given or email them for more information about this. Volunteer HERE

Thursday, January 21, 2016


"Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind and spirit for your own physical, mental and spiritual well-being."
-Mr. C. S. Haymore

Reflection: I think that this is really true because you are the one who has to take care and are the only one responsible for your own body mind and spirit well being. I think that to do this you have to stop doing bad things such as smoking and other stuff that might cause problems to your body and other functions of your body. If you choose bad things then it's only you that is responsible for that. If something bad happens to your body mind and spirit you cant blame someone else because your actions led up to those problems. Taking responsibility means learning how to deal with the problems alone and knowing how to solve them for yourself. To be a great successful person you need to make sure that these three are in good shape and balanced. 

LAUSD Research

LAUSD Research
- Bullying:
  • Cyber Bullying
  • Verbal Bullying
  • Physical Bullying
  • Social Bullying
  • Non-verbal Bullying
  • Indirect Bullying

- Code Of Conduct:
12 Codes for Students

- Graduation Requirements:
Starting with class of 2016,  there will be a change with a passing grade going up to a C or better.
Minimum number of credits going from 230 to 210 to graduate.
Raising the standards for LAUSD graduates by following the A-G requirements.

- College Scholarships:

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Goal Of Education

"Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education."
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Reflection: I totally agree with him because you need more than intelligence to have a good education. You need to learn how to have a good character and act right. Having a good character means that you'll do good things in your life.Having intelligence means that you'll have success because you worked hard for what you learn to have a bright future. You need both to have the best success in your future. Having both makes your a better person because you're intelligent enough and you know how to make the right choices. Having both means that there's nothing that can get in the way of your success. For example, Ana is very smart but she always chooses the wrong and that will lead her to no success or very little success because she also needs good character and to act right.


Duties and Responsibilities: Neonatologists assist newborns that are premature with birth defects, illnesses or injuries. They will get involved with your baby to take care of it. They diagnose newborns with birth defects such as heart disorders

Salary: $236,503

Education: To become a neonatologist you must attend at least 4 years of medical school. Three years of working with premature babies and three years of residency training in general pediatrics.

I think i'd like to be this because i like working with babies. I would take care of them and also treat them. I would like to work with premature babies and also learn more about them.

Thursday, January 14, 2016


"We need the courage to START and CONTINUE what we should do and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't do."
Richard L. Evans

Reflection: I totally agree with this because a lot of people need to stop choosing the wrong and do good things with their life. Changing the way you act and do things will impact your life either positively or in a negative way. Choosing the right makes life easier and you become a better person when you're not stressing and fearing the things you did wrong in the past. You also feel a lot better. For example, Andrew has a game and he didn't practice because hes on social media too much. He should be able to practice because its the right thing to do and being on his phone isn't. He should have the courage to do whats right.


Duties and Responsibilities: Orthodontist examine patients and develop treatment plans. They also work with orthodontic technicians and they instruct them on what the patients have to go through. They see their patients almost monthly because of their dental needs.
Salary: Average between $85,155 and $106,148
Education: To become an orthodontist you need a Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree and 1-2 years of training and a license for the state.

Reflection: I think that I’d pass on this job because I would want to be a doctor but not for dental stuff. Seems like a cool job but I’m more interested in organs and functions of the body so I’d say that no this job isn’t the career I want to establish in my life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


"When you Tell One Lie, it leads to Another."
-Paul Hatch

Reflection: I agree with this statement because lying itself is bad but when you lie and try to keep up with the lie you keep making up more lies. I think that when you do this you get kind of tired of it because trying not to admit your mistakes leads up to more mistakes. I think that even if you tell a little white lie it's still considered a lie because you are not being fully honest with it. For example, Sandy sneaks out with some bad influences and her parents find out the day after,when she returns her parents ask her where she went and she lies and says she went to her friend's house when in reality she went to do drugs. Soon her parents start to question if she did really go to a friends house so they call the parents and Sandy starts building up a story about how her friends parents weren't home knowing shes lying. Sandy feels guilty and she can't keep up with her lies. I think that you should just say the truth because most of the time people don't get away with lying, it always come back to someone telling the truth. The best you could do is tell the truth and deal with the consequences. If you lie even more you would have to deal with worse consequences.

Winter Break

School Break Days

On my winter break I stayed home. My family came over and made my days great. On Christmas i spent time with my family. We ate a lot and shared gifts. Then the day after which is the 26th i went out with friends to spend time with them too. Then on my birthday  my sister took me out to eat. I went to the snow with some family on December 29. I didn't really do homework because my teachers didnt assign me homework but i did read some books